Passionate Nutrition: A Guide to Using Food as Medicine from a Nutritionist Who Healed Herself from the Inside Out

Jennifer Adler tells her story. It isn’t squeaky clean. She is honest and writes conversationally about her battle for better nutrition. She speaks with passion about her quest to fix what ailed her. Her journey with food is horrifying and inspiring. She talks like someone who knows things can’t change overnight. She speaks about her own cheats and things she won’t compromise on anymore. She is someone I would love to meet and thank for letting me in on what may be wrong with my diet and how easy it would be to fix things. I have suffered with digestion issues for years. I am anxious to put her ideas into practice and see if it helps. If nothing else, this book makes me feel better about why I eat the way I eat and things I have been doing right with food.
Even if you don’t subscribe to all of Jennifer’s theories, her book is easy to read. Anyone could glean some helpful information from this text. I didn’t feel bad about the way I eat after reading this. Jennifer is careful not to offend the reader, but meets you where you are. She has done a lot and her honesty is so refreshing. She speaks as someone with a passion to help people stop beating themselves up and really enjoy food. This book includes recipes, lists of foods with the top nutritional benefits, a breakdown of what nutrients are really important for better health, ways to achieve a better diet, ways to rid guilt from eating, ways to improve intestinal health, and personal stories to keep all that entertaining. I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it for almost anyone.